Online Training Course Successes!

Online Training Course Successes!

To achieve this we implemented a booking platform, embedded in our website and gave access to our schools so they could identify  sessions which would fit their needs both functionally and at a time that would not conflict with day-to-day routine schoolwork.

The system worked perfectly.  Within the first week of launching our training event booking platform, our first three sessions were completely full and between early January and late April, we have been delighted to provide online training to over 180 attendees from some 35 schools!

Our courses cover all  activities which administrators perform on a day-to-day basis from the foundations of website management and article editing through to document control,  calendar management,  creation of effective web links extending out to making attractive and self managing alert announcements and more.

Our existing courses will  continue to run  on a cyclical basis  throughout the academic year to enable administrators who have not had opportunity to join but also in May we are launching a new suite of courses looking at:

Online forms creation

More and more schools are looking at online forms as a way to gather parent information and requests rather than relying upon traditional paper-based forms. Our new online forms toolkit allows school administrators to create as many forms as they wish using simple drag-and-drop features and then display those forms in webpages that they manage.

Centralised document management

This particular  offering is targeted at schools which sit within a Trust or other form of Academy environment.  the package is designed to allow the trust to produce a single set of documents (for example policies) which they will then publish on their own website but then, within 5 to 10 minutes the same files will be displayed on schools within the trust. No involvement is required by school administrators to make this happen, it all takes place from the trust using automation.  This will be an incredible timesaver for schools administrators and will eliminate so much of the duplication and potential for mistakes which can happen!

Embedding of MS Excel CSV  files for viewing on pages

We now have access to smart technology to allow  schools to upload MS CSV  format files folding tables ( for example staff governors)  to their websites for them to be automatically displayed on a standard webpage for the table to be read rather than being a file to be downloaded. This in itself is a life saver as generally adding tables to a web page is not much fun! The really cool part is that when the CSV file is updated, then the page it is displayed on is automagically updated too!

The three  new offerings bring significant advantages to schools where time is valuable and resources are short.

For more information about our courses and a list of current sessions please click here!